Condominium Living Is Different
When we reach a point in life where we want to be relieved of maintaining a big house and grounds, we begin to investigate rental apartments, co-ops or condominiums. Salespeople and their brochures picture Carefree Living", "Freedom From Old Responsibilities", No Maintenance Problems", all for the price of one monthly fee. None of them mention that we have to learn a new way of living: living with consideration for our close neighbors instead of for ourselves alone.
When you own your own home and the grounds around it, you are Lord and Master" of your particular piece of property. When you live in a condo, you are only "Lord and Master" within the four walls of your residence - and only then if your deportment is such that you do not bother your neighbors. The first step outside your door puts you on "common ground" and you have only equal rights with all of your neighbors.
People moving into condo complexes often are not aware of this difference and find the adjustment difficult until they come to the realization that their old habits of "Lord and Master" ownership have to be replaced by what might be termed "Together We Enjoy ownership. Because this is generally not understood, and because most owners do not understand what can or cannot be permitted, Rules and Regulations have been adopted in our Condominium Declarations and Association By-Laws, supervised by a Board of Directors. The rules we live by are printed and widely distributed.
Your first responsibility to your neighbors is to read and become familiar with your Rules and Regulations. Your next responsibility is to adhere strictly to them. You will find them quite reasonable, quite common-sense and easy to live by if you realize you are not Lord and Master in the same sense you were before. If by chance or design you fail to cooperate fully, you can expect eventually to be called to task. The Rules and Regulations are legal and enforceable and are part and parcel of the contract you agreed to when you bought your condo.
Those of us who have learned to live in a condominium community enjoy each other's company and our surroundings. Those who reject control and try to evade or ignore their responsibilities are often unhappy and critical. Try to be a good neighbor and you'll find life here most delightful.
This was given to me by a resident who spends half the year in a Florida Condominium and this was written by the Association president. Think it fits?